Plazma Burst two Wiki

Level 42 is the bonus campaign level of Plazma Burst 2. In this level, the player plays as an Android SLC-56 equipped with a Heavy Railgun v04 CS-OneSOneK.


Level 42 Start

The start of the level.

Level 42 - The End

The end of the level.

The level takes place inside a cave; it is possible the protagonist in the level is an experimental android that malfunctioned and defected from the Civil Security faction, or it is a runaway prisoner. A never-ending wave of Civil Security Ghosts spawn inside the cave to kill the android. In the level, the player has to press five buttons to open five doors to finish the level.

The enemies are that spawn repeatedly, creating a neverending threat. The best way for the player to track their movement is by their sound in water. Even though one cannot see them, they can see the water splash when they are swimming. The ghosts are also fully visible when spawning, and make a shimmering noise when in the presence of an enemy.


  • Remember that the goal is to escape, not to see how many Ghosts you can kill.
  • The Heavy Railgun can reload when holstered - switch to your swords when reloading.
  • Use your speed and agility to your advantage.
  • The water can help you locate ghosts.
  • When you have pressed all 5 buttons, immediately head for the exit.
  • Time Warp is your friend. It can lower the speed of the Ghosts' attacks, can give you some breathing room, and let you plan out escapes from the swarms of Ghosts.


  • The switch at the middle will open the 3rd door.
  • The switch at the bottom left corner will open the 5th door.
  • The switch at the bottom right corner will open the 1st door.
  • The switch at the left of your spawn will open the 4th door.
  • The switch at the right of your spawn will open the 2nd door.


Civil Security[]

  • Civil Security Ghost - There is an unlimited number of Civil Security Ghosts armed with swords. They are connected to a timer and will spawn infinitely at intervals in different locations of the map. Thus, the only way to beat the level is to escape.


Level 42 - Full View

A full view of the level.

  • If you come to this level directly from the previous one and then press Esc, it'll say "Level 41" instead of "Level 42".
  • It is rumored that the Android SLC-56 will be a major ally/enemy in Plazma Burst 3.
  • Beating this level will unlock Cheats, no matter which difficulty you have played on.
  • When you play as the android on easy/normal/hard difficulty, you have 400 hp, but if you play on impossible difficulty you will have 190 hp.
  • At the bottom of the level there is a secret spawner of enemy Civil Security Ghosts in infinite numbers.